
Disaster risk mitigation planning is essential for infrastructure PPPs to withstand and recover from disasters.

Improve resilience against infrastructure damage caused by climate change

What is The Infrastructure Resilience Scorecard?

It provides the first comprehensive regional framework for consistently evaluating and scoring local and regional capacity and resiliency against a host of today’s most pressing risks. The Scorecard provides detailed instructions to increase resilience, build ongoing capacity, maximize regional collaboration and preparedness, and respond to today’s dynamic and evolving challenges.
What type of infrastructure does it cover?
An important feature of the Infrastructure Resilience Scorecard is that it addresses both built infrastructure and natural infrastructure.
How does it work?
The Scorecard consists of 50 questions covering a variety of incidents, plus other hazards, as defined through interactive consultation with stakeholders. Once the 50 questions are completed, you are provided with systematic steps that will increase resilience capacity. You are also provided with an estimated return on investment if you implemented the resilience recommendations.

What are the benefits?

  • a comprehensive analysis of resilience
  • recommended proactive and real-time mitigation actions
  • reduction in the cost of insurance
  • estimated return of investment on resilience measures
  • building confidence for investors

Who developed it?

Developed by the International Sustainable Resilience Center in partnership with WAPPP and StateBook International.

Where can I find out more?

Take a peep inside the series!

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