

David Dodd

CEcD/FM/HLM, Founding President/CEO

David is one of the world’s foremost experts in economic resilience, post-disaster economic recovery, climate adaptation finance, and using natural solutions for climate resilience.

Tanya Ellen

Chief Youth and Families Advisor

Tanya is the founder of uLand – a company which utilizes EdTech to teach resilience to children and families. She is also a Disaster Survival Coach, with followers on TikTok and the Disaster Survival Coach website.

David Baxter

Chief PPP Advisor Board Member

David Baxter is a Senior PPP Advisor to the International Sustainable Resilience Center. In addition, he is a steering committee member of the World Association of PPP Units and Professions (WAPPP) based in Geneva.

Alessandra Jerolleman

Chief Disaster Mitigation Advisor. PhD/J.D

Dr. Alessandra Jerolleman is an Assistant Professor in Jacksonville State University’s Emergency Management Department.


Dino Paternostro

CEcD, Chief Policy Advisor Board Chair

Dino has extensive experience in public policy, health administration, and economic development. 

Bruce May

Chief Content Officer Board Member

Bruce has over twenty years of experience in both traditional and interactive media. He is a recognized expert in digital media, content and social marketing and business systems.

Jyoti Bisbey

Chief Climate Finance and PPP Advisor

Jyoti is a global expert with more than 20 years of experience in leading green and resilient infrastructure finance and public-private partnerships (PPPs) in developing countries.

Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy

Chief Resilience Finance Advisor

Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy is a global authority on the resilience investment ecosystem and specializes in a range of social…

Bonnie Canal

Business Continuity Advisor

Bonnie Canal, MBCP is an internationally recognized leader in both community and business resilience innovations and strategies.

Melissa Peneycad

Chief Sustainability Advisor

Melissa is a senior executive with expertise in sustainability embedding its principles into organizational practices, infrastructure, and PPPs.

Allison Lee

Chief Impact Advisor

Allison Lee is co-founder of Alpine CSR Advisors, which specializes in CSR/ESG strategy and implementation, with a focus on business and social impact metrics.

Scott Heckbert

Chief Disaster Modeling Advisor

Scott Heckbert (B.A. 1999; M.Sc. 2004; Ph.D. 2010) is Principal Environmental Scientist at the Alberta Energy Regulator. With global experience in environmental science, economics, and engineering.

Check out a new Disaster Survival Series for children

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