
The PPP Landscape

Facing a world of continuous, overlapping disruptions, Governments are recognizing resilience as the imperative condition for securing a sustainable, inclusive future.

Global conflict, energy uncertainty, food shortages, accelerating inflation, and severe climate events rocked a world still unsettled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, Governments now recognize that our societies and institutions must function in an environment defined by continuous natural and man-made disruptions.

Resilience is our key challenge: we must strengthen resilience beyond a survival capacity to enable long-term, sustainable, and inclusive growth. The time has come to act on this understanding. The cost of inaction is too high.

Progress will only come through international public–private collaboration

Individual governments and companies cannot by themselves resolve the world’s problems or open an individual path to sustained growth. The private and public sectors have never needed each other more than they do right now to define the long-term parameters of economic growth. Given the disrupted world, success can come only from international cooperation and engagement in economic development to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth

“Sustainable resilience building must be accomplished jointly and in a coordinated effort by the public and private sectors.” David Dodd, Founder ISRC.

The private and public sectors can do more to craft detailed analytical scenarios that clarify concrete future actions—the “so what” and “now what,” especially for highly probable, high-impact threats. Public- and private-sector cooperation in such scenario planning is necessary since their interests are highly interdependent.

At ISRC, we offer a scenario modelling tool that has the ability to showcase the likelihood and severity of a range of disasters under a wide variety of conditions.

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